Download WorkStreamer

Select your browser below to download the extension then return here.

Firefox (Not Supported)
Safari (Not Supported)

Once Downloaded, click Add Extension

The popup displays a message about accessing data on all websites.  WorkStreamer ONLY captures screenshots when you click Start and stops when you click Stop.  It does not track any other information such as web history. 

Pin to Toolbar for Immediate Access

Once you add WorkStreamer to your browser, make sure you pin it to show in the toolbar

Pin to Toolbar in Chrome/Brave
Show in Toolbar in Edge

Click Start

The visible portion of your browser is captured as a screenshot each time you click, automatically.

Click stop

Add notes and mark-ups, blur sensitive information, and delete unnecessary screenshots to perfect your training.

Share Your guide instantly and securely

Share a direct link to an online version of the guide, embed it in your own webpage, or export as a video slideshow or Word Doc

Rapidly Create Training Guides for Your Clients

WorkStreamer provides productivity tools to ERP software consultants.

Spend Less Time Documenting

WorkStreamer Guide will help you create valuable user guides in seconds.

Brand It

Create unique branding for every client then associate each guide with a specific client to automatically insert logos and colors.

Share it

distribute training in record time. Your colleagues will wonder "what's your secret?"